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A heat pump water heater is actually another solar device. It just makes use of free energy in the air (thermal solar) rather than relying on sunshine (solar UV). It does this night and day, even if it’s raining and -15 degrees air temperature outside. It is a common misconception that solar panels on your roof give you free hot water. This is only partly true. Solar water heaters still use on average over $300 per year in electricity. This is a result of running an electric circulating pump and the electric element for a good part of the year there’s insufficient sunshine. Just as heat pumps are the most efficient way to heat your house, the hot water heat pump is the most efficient heat way to heat water. For this reason we recommend a stainless, solar/heat pump ready cylinder so you can easily add a hot water heat pump or solar panels now or in the future.
Both solar hot water and heat pumps help homeowners to save money and lower their carbon footprint. But if you’re looking for a more convenient, low-maintenance option, heat pumps usually offer a better deal. Solar Hot Water systems can still heat on overcast days, but they do work best in direct sunlight and often need an electric or gas booster in inclement weather and at night and it can be up to 50% more expensive in upfront costs, than a heat pump. Whereas, a Hot Water Heat Pump will heat your water in any weather, any time of the day or night (allowing you to take advantage of off-peak tariffs). They also have lower piping costs (heat pump and tank need no sunlight and so can be placed more flexibly) and are easily sheltered from harmful weather.
For all your hot water needs contact The Hot Water Shop today!